Athens Journal of Philosophy 2024, 3: 1-22
António dos Santos Queirós
The resolution of the UN was adopted on 10 December in 1948(A/RES/217). The research’ route of the article analyses the historical conditions where the UDHR was drafted. And intends to analyse and to debate if the political speech that crossed the cold war and emerged again, in the context of geostrategy conflicts, respects the substance of the original document. This research pathway determines and debate five fundamental questions:
The connection between the articles of UDHR agreement and labour rights, economic democracy, and, on the other hand, political liberty, the right of nations to decide from themselves and the imperative of universal peace.
If the articles of UDHR are compatible or not with the political nature and evolution of liberal democracies and socialist regimes. If propaganda of the Cold War and the geopolitical confrontation, they subvert and distort the principles of the original UN Human Rights or defend those principles. If people around the world really know and are conscientious of UDHR principles and articles, or those propaganda created a phenomenon of global alienation.
At last, what means a new generation of human rights.
That methodology will be supported by the case study of the United States of America and People Republic of China.
Key Words: Origen and Historical Context of UDRH; J. P. Humphrey, P.C. Chang, Eleanor Roosevelt; UDHR, Preamble and 30 articles; China and UDHR; Clean, Healthy, Sustainable Environment as Human Right