"Visiting the Past, Meeting the Limes".

An international symposium on heritage, tourism, planning and design practices
Central Museum, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Jan Jansen, Knut Krzywinski, António Queirós

11 -12 October 2007
Statements related to the international symposium "Visiting the Past, Meeting the Limes".

1. The main challenge for the careful integration between heritage conservation, local and regional identity and the development of tourist sites is to convince all stakeholders of a sound social, ecology and economy sustainable approach.
Communication is an important tool to develop consciousness in order to enclose our heritage in the people's hearts, minds, stomaehs and wallets.
Especially making the invisible visible and completing the puzzle by virtually showing the missing parts together with the existing remnants of former cultures.

One of the outcomes of the ECL project is the film Fields of Demeter, http://ecl.cultland.org/

It features how the European landscapes have been shaped by the hand of man all through history and how the very landscapes have shaped us as Europeans. It takes us to marginal Europe where landscape memory still remains and into the magic and inner landscapes that form our perceptions of nature. European natural and cultural heritage belongs to generations to come and the film addresses the young people of Europe to act to secure this heritage.

2. We need both uniqueness identity to create a tourist site and we need to combine multiple heritage means in those tourist destinations. Because the key of the problem is how we can transform superficial visitors (excursionists) into cultural tourists or environmental tourists. In
the focus of tourism economy it is important that people stay in the tourist destination the longest possible time to support hotels, restaurants, merchandising, animation, transports ...ln the perspective of environmental and social conscience only the scientific information about geography, biodiversity, natural and social history ...gives the possibility to read the cultural landscape, understanding all the cultural heritage, and to build an new ethic. The historic reconciliation of tourism and natural and cultural conservation can be made in that manner.

Tourists must have necessity to return, for example, to see how seasons and human work in the fields change the landscape. It is the opportunity for tourism enterprises to make their revenues not only in the high season but during the whole year. Ta satisfy all demands of these new paradigms of tourism economy, it is necessary to project more museums, parks, information and interpretation centers, to create multimedia products, to organize tourism schools to guides and managers in cultural and environment tourism ...and so one. Traditional rural communities take care of the land for centuries, but now land is being abandoned, planted with rapidly growing trees triggering the wildfires. Cultural and natural landscape conservation becomes essential to the tourism industry and local economy and can be adequate to stop the wildfire problems of the last decennia in the Mediterranean countries.

3. We have to get back to a better relationship between cities and the country-side, connecting city people with country people.
Cultural and natural history could show the intense relationship people had with their region over the centuries. The approach of "Appellation Controllée" to all valuable aspects of our heritage could be a good step towards a recognizable quality standard for each and every specific region in Europe.

4. Landscaping and design could contribute to the experiential and narrative qualities of tourist heritage sites by taking care of the traditional uses of the land and their  related biodiversity, agrodiversity, architecture and other socio-cultural  and ecological aspects.

5. . Major research question: which aspects of nature, culture and regional identity are (or could be made) attractive for tourism and how do they interrelate?
An important issue is biodiversity conservation in relation to traditional land use. Man slowly learned to manage the land and his values, ideas and identities became intertwined with it. He made what could be done est under the regional rural conditions, developing a traditional way of living that was most suited for that area. That living lasted for millennia and is expressed in the traditions, the architecture, the landscape elements, etc. The last two centuries man became increasingly independent of his surroundings and he became more and more alienated from traditional culture, nature and his own roots.

Through tourism man may get connected again if the process of bringing historical remnants together in their original context can be communicated simply and easily. Here heritage conservation, tourism and regional identity go hand in hand. The challenge is to stop de territorialsation and to make abandoned heritage areas attractive to tourists. LAC is currently writing a guide on Serra da Estrela concerning Cultural Tourism and Nature. The guide follows the model that can be consulted on www.lac.pt or directly at www.valecoadouro.lac.pt concerning the Cöa Valley and Beyond Douro.







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