Management and Valorization of Cultural Heritage in the Framework of Environmental Ethics

António dos Santos Queirós

Lisbon University, Portugal
Source Tittle: Analysis, Conservation, and Restoration of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage
Copyright: © 2019 DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6936-7

Globalization and Global Code of Tourism Ethics

António dos Santos Queirós (Lisbon University, Portugal)
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6983-1.ch008


In the framework of the globalization of tourism this chapter discuss the concepts of modern Ethics and Moral, on a critical perspective to the dominant standpoint that set the morale in the order of the rules and social conventions and leave the ethics on the field of personal experience. Critical essay postulates three fundamental theses: 1. The environmental philosophy builds a new ontology created by the critique of anthropocentrism. 2. But, only their articulation with a new epistemology, founded in the critique of ethnocentrism, could lead to a new ethics universal theory. 3. However, the applied ethics of environmental philosophy needs a new global political ethics shaped on the critique against political alienation. Consequently Global Code of Ethics for Tourism must be refunded on the light of Environmental Philosophy and takes an imperative character.

Alienation. Anthropocentrism. Aristóteles. Environment. Espinosa. Ethnocentrism. Jonas. Landscape. Leopold. Paradigm. Quental. Sena.