Cultural tourism on a changing paradigm

International Journal of Scientific Management and Tourism. iManagement and Tourism. Córdoba (Spain). 2015. ISSN: 2386-8570

©António dos Santos Queirós

 Centro de Filosofia. Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa

Alameda da Universidade 1600-214, Lisboa Portugal


The main terms, such Culture, Cultural Landscape, Heritage or Cultural Tourism are not neutral scientific objects. They are academic constructions emerging in historical contexts.
The concept of “motivation” is consensual for understand and explain the nature of the tourism demand, but is sufficient? We think no. We need enlarging the hermeneutic of tourism with the concept of “taste”.
They are linked to a consensual paradigm.
This paper wants to discuss this conceptual framework, discovering at the same time if we are in presence of some anomalies, observe multiple, unexplained or unexpected events and if a rival paradigm emerges.  
The second line of debate is about the connection between cultural tourism and tourism economy. Researching how is create and reproduced the capital of tourism and recognising the cultural values and products penetration in the tourism activity.
Their propose: Restructuring tourism for more competitiveness and productivity (and sustainability) meaning to offer new Route and Circuits integrating cultural heritage and patrimony of nature.
The third line want to discuss the idea of Cultural Tourism based on built heritage, views and lifestyle, as well as events and happenings, from a critical view.
Our goal will be to build a conceptual framework to design the identity of Cultural Tourism and different types of tourism. This theoretical framework must be the same. Those principles must be commons.
Our thesis is that those principles are the different organic structures and products. Different organic structures and products can to distinguish tourism cultural from tourism of nature; tourism of nature from rural tourism…and so one. 
A new conceptual research framework emerges and a new tourism paradigm: Environmental Tourism.
Keywords: Paradigm. Taste. Economy. Types tourism. Circuit. Route
Pages 179-216



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