Construir em conjunto uma casa urbana verde, saudável e humana. Consenso de Jiangsu (2022)


Contribuição para o consenso de Jiangsu (clique aqui para aceder)

A primeira Conferência das Nações Unidas para o ambiente,  realizada em Estocolmo em 1972, postulou um novo imperativo  moral, a terra como "lar comum".

De acordo com a Filosofia Ambiental: 

A cidade moderna é a criação suprema da civilização humana. Mas a Ecologia acredita que as cidades verdes só existem quando as funções urbanas forem consideradas parte integrante do ecossistema da biosfera global. Se o governo da cidade for separado do próprio sistema de suporte de vida da cidade, inevitavelmente destruirá a cidade, degradará a dignidade e as condições básicas para a sobrevivência humana.

 O conceito de paisagem urbana não pode ser reduzido ao visual, a paisagem urbana inclui várias dimensões: estética, ética, etc. Isso significa que toda cidade precisa preservar e expandir toda a cadeia ecológica e o pulmão verde dentro dos seus limites.

E, ao mesmo tempo, integrar a sua bacia hidrográfica numa planificação global.   Esta planificação é característica de um estado socialista e não de um estado liberal. 

Uma vez que a gestão de baixo carbono não é suficiente, também precisamos preservar a água fresca, alimentos saudáveis ​​e ar puro.

“Toward a new economy of heritage, on the light of ecological socialism."

To the Greek philosopher Aristoteles, only on the city-state human beings attains the supreme virtue, the wisdom.

Mencius connected moral progress with a better knowledge of nature.  And Lao Zi wrote respect the intrinsic laws of nature and things. When the Tao is absent from the Universe, war horses are created at the door of cities.

Those principles will be reintegrated in the modern environmental philosophy. The critique of anthropocentrism, and the critique of ethnocentrism, re-thinking the concept of a sustainable city on a sustainable world.

First UN environmental conference, held in Stockholm in 1972, create new ethical imperatives: all the  Earth is a  “common house” "… man have two homelands, his own and Earth"; enlarging the concept of community, biotic and abiotic, reintegrating the human being into nature, without no privileges_ the critique of anthropocentrism.

The critique of ethnocentrism not only justifies the respect for all national cultures and all forms of classical and popular cultural expression, but also rejects any notion of superiority from a certain model of society, race, or ethnicity. In this sense, it expands the concept of products of cultural goods far beyond the great museums, master oeuvres, classic heritage… including cultural landscape, rural and urban landscape.

On the light of environmental philosophy, we could consider two dilemmatic scenarios to the modern city:

(1) It is the supreme creation of human civilisation. According to ecology, the green scenario only exists when the city functions are an integral part of the global biosphere ecosystem.

(2) The city destroys and demean the basic conditions on which dignity and human life depend. This dark scenery is inevitable if cities are governed as something separate from its own life-support systems. "[1]

That dilemma corresponds to the historical evolution of liberal democracies and the first experiences of socialism, and, in the other side, the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, with the historical turn up to the ecological socialism and the project of ecocivilization.

The modern Social Taste, aesthetical and moral taste, of the middle class, by the influence of Environmental Philosophy and their Ethics, is now largely redirected to the products of cultural tourism and tourism of nature, includes a new global concept about cultural landscape, rural and  urban. A constellation of  museums and  monuments, organize cultural tourism on the cities, and a large pattern of natural parks and reserves, organize the tourism of nature, as mass tourism; and generate the added value and capital gains, the externalities, that are appropriates  by the Seven Chains of Tourism Industry, from hospitality to the touristic guide.

The concept of urban landscape cannot be reduced to a visual direction and includes several dimensions, aesthetics, and ethics: the renaissance of the harmony with man and the cultural landscape,  embraces the tactile appeal, feeling, the kinesthetic pleasure, the natural sings, and songs of nature…

What means that every city needs to preserve and enlarge, inside the urban territory, the  biological chains, the green lungs_ woodland, wooded boundaries, hedges, thickets, wet, dry, or low-yield pastures, but also integrated watershed on a global planification, a characteristic of socialism but not of the liberal states. Because is not enough to create the conditions  to a low carbon management, it is necessaire preserve the fresh water, the healthy food and clean air.

Technological evolution of giant aeroplanes and navy cruces, bring to the city’s new sources of danger pollution, not well researched.

I remember Francisco Caldeira Cabral, international leader of landscape architect association: “Is time to say that if the city is essential to the organisation of society and the progress of mankind, if the industry has greatly contributed to make life easier and give you comfort, humanity's survival depends the countryside Because, with the sea, is the only source of food and drinking water, and the last support to an autonomous and balanced biological activity, essential to the continuation of life on Earth. Therefore, the activity of Rural society is the only one that remains obligatory, all the others being optional, whether the urban-industrial society realizes it or not, accordingly.

But the essential condition is a peaceful world, a common future: because without peace, everything is lost, and first all, liberty will be lost.

Lisboa, 02 11.2022

António dos Santos Queirós

Vice-Presidente do Observatório da China

Secretário-Geral da Câmara de Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Portugal-China

[1] Eugéne Odum, Fundamentos da Ecologia, pages 814 and 815.

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